Welcome to the Lunar Postal Service!

Made in a month for the 2020 Game Off Game Jam with the theme of "Moonshot."

Source Code: https://github.com/untitledgamestudio/moonshot

Play on Github Pages: https://untitledgamestudio.github.io/moonshot/

The goal of the game is to deliver mail to the moon for the cheapest possible price. Start off by building a spaceship capable of delivering packages to the moon. Then take control of your spaceship to avoid asteroids, manage fuel consumption, and get those packages delivered in time for Christmas!

How to play

First stage: build a ship under the given budget for the selected difficulty. Simply Click to place pieces, and Mouse Wheel or to rotate them. More detailed information on each ship part is provided in game.

Second stage: fly your ship with WASD or Arrow Keys. When close enough to the moon, you can start charging your package launcher with Space then hit Space again to shoot the package at your Mouse Cursor. Watch out for asteroids that damage your ship and be careful not to launch the packages too hard!

Third stage: Your score is calculated based on Leftover budget [25%], Speed [25%], Damage taken [25%], Gently delivering packages [25%]. Plus a penalty of 2000 points for shooting extra packages at the moon. Compete for high scores on our leaderboard!


Original art by Marc Schraffenberger.

Developed by Marc Schraffenberger, Edric Yu, James White and Luke Brom.

Songs New Dawn and Deep Blue by Benjamin Tissot, available at www.bensound.com.

Development libraries

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